The Leadership Academy Network is an innovative partnership between FWISD and TXWES University, which operates under the provisions of Texas Senate Bill 1882 (SB 1882), and is designed to continue improving learning outcomes at the district’s five PK-8 Leadership Academies. Our mission is to accelerate student achievement through service and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Kids First
We are kid centered. All decisions are made with the needs and well-being of our students as the top priority.

Everybody Grows
Everyone in our system continuously grows their talent and abilities through persistence, effort, and practice.

Serve Others
We are solutions-oriented and use empathy to put others’ needs before our own.

Better Together
We work as a family. It takes a team of different skill sets, talent, and backgrounds to create impact.

Results Driven
We are all driving toward the goal of accelerating student achievement, growth, and development.

It is evident that the LAN blueprint works for our leadership academies. Our faculty and staff are focused on delivering rigorous instruction daily to all students, in every single classroom, and we continue to combine a relentless focus on the development of high-quality teaching with innovative best practices.
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